Christchurch Earthquake

Welcome to our blog site where students at the Royal Children's Hospital can follow our project. Our aim is to gain an understanding of the Christchurch earthquake and how it has affected the young people of Christchurch. Our hope is to fundraise money through our projects that will benefit those affected.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Help! Tasks to do please.. :)

Hi everyone,

Thanks a million for all your help so far but there is still plenty to do!

For the next few weeks these are the tasks that we need to do...

  • Create 6 boxes / trays that can hold the wristbands and a slot area for the money. ( students will need to be able to carry when we visit other wards)

  • Create a poster and flyer (on the ipad please) promoting the sale for the wristbands. please include...
    • price $2 each
    • Cause - Helping the wellbeing of  students in Christchurch, New Zealand  recover from the Earthquake

  • Loved the idea of a live quiz on Macademia. Can a few people please write a short brief outlining how it could work so we can take it to the show producers. Think about the age you are targeting - maybe have several segments to target a few age brackets. How are you going to fund raise? G-Dawg had a great idea about charging  a gold coin donation for a quiz answer sheet. Also keep in mind we will need prizes so how are we going to source these?  - perhaps writing/ringing to few local companies?

  • See separate posts regarding chocolates and pens/ pins.

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