Thanks a million for all your help so far but there is still plenty to do!
For the next few weeks these are the tasks that we need to do...
- Create 6 boxes / trays that can hold the wristbands and a slot area for the money. ( students will need to be able to carry when we visit other wards)
- Create a poster and flyer (on the ipad please) promoting the sale for the wristbands. please include...
- price $2 each
- Cause - Helping the wellbeing of students in Christchurch, New Zealand recover from the Earthquake
- Loved the idea of a live quiz on Macademia. Can a few people please write a short brief outlining how it could work so we can take it to the show producers. Think about the age you are targeting - maybe have several segments to target a few age brackets. How are you going to fund raise? G-Dawg had a great idea about charging a gold coin donation for a quiz answer sheet. Also keep in mind we will need prizes so how are we going to source these? - perhaps writing/ringing to few local companies?
- See separate posts regarding chocolates and pens/ pins.
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